Helping Hospitals Heal with Paul Draper

Leading Through Change

Techniques & Tools That Instill Understanding, Acceptance, and Creativity

8-15 Attendees 2-3 Total Hours

Session Overview

Leading Through Change brings together groups that are facing change, whether it be organizational or technological.  The session allows them to identify the steps needed to overcome, embrace, and thrive in times of transition.

The Difficulty of Change 1 Hour

Overcoming the fear of change to roles, responsibilities, and new technologies

Creating Empathy 1 Hour

Looking at team dynamics, individuals, and motivational techniques for change

Creativity 1 Hour

Enjoying the success and opportunities of adaption and modernization

If your organization is experiencing "change stress," ask Paul Draper about adding this component to your training program.



"Paul helped me to realize that drawing on the things I am passionate about outside of work can be tapped into to energize the way I present to and facilitate large groups. Paul has the ability to train on many different topics: communication, team building, and diversity awareness!"

Gabriel Brooks
Performance Excellence Facilitator & Trainer
